Parkinsons, Gait Derek Jones Parkinsons, Gait Derek Jones

What is Freezing of Gait and can NexStride help?

Freezing of gait (FOG) is a common motor disorder in Parkinson’s disease (PD). It is characterised by sudden, unanticipated interruptions in gait, lasting from seconds to minutes, in which people feel that their feet are stuck to the floor and unable to move forward despite trying hard.

FOG episodes can occur in other neurological diseases too. The phenomenon is particularly debilitating and often requires physical support from another person to get unstuck and start walking again. Treatment strategies developed for managing gait disorders and freezing include medications, deep brain stimulation (DBS), physical therapy interventions and external visual cues.

Anatomical Concepts offer a neat product called NexStride that uses cueing technology to help overcome the freezing of gait.

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